Augmented reality and virtual reality

Hi There, In this article we are going to discuss Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality technology.

Augmented Reality or AR is an interchangeable experience where a real-world environment is created and objects that inhabit the real world are perceived by computer-generated information with the use of digital visual elements, haptic, somatosensory, auditory, and olfactory. Whereas Virtual Reality or VR implies an experience through sensory stimuli, such as sights and sounds monitored by computer and in which the user’s action drives the events in that environment.

Although both, Virtual Reality Applications and Augmented Reality devices sound similar and gather excessive interest in their possibilities for gaming, entertainment, marketing, and brand development, they are very different from one another with distinguished features and characteristics.

What is Augmented Reality? and how it works?

Augmented Reality can scan a particular area and add digital content over a live stream, creating an effect where the digital content would seem like a part of the real world. With Augmented Reality devices, users can see how a piece of furniture would look in their room or apply makeup on their virtual self, or have animated effects on weather reports. These examples can only be achieved if the real world is understandable through the camera feed, i.e., Augmented Reality must figure out the real-world objects and their positions before adding any digital content.

So now, we know what is Augmented Reality, let’s see how it works, at first, computer vision understands the position of the objects around the user in the real world from the content streamed through the camera feed.

This allows it to put options for relevant digital content that users might want to add to that physical environment realistically so that it looks a part of the real world- this particular event is called rendering. For Example, consider adding Augmented Reality furniture in your living room.

Here, computer vision takes in the raw image from the camera feed and recognizes your living room. The rendering module augments the original frame, while Augmented Reality precisely overlaps the area where you would like your furniture to be. For this, it uses the 3D position and orientation of the area decided by computer vision.

Since the whole event is happening live, the above actions take place every time a new frame comes from the camera feed. Usually, phones work at 30 frames per second, so Augmented Reality gets only around 30 seconds to do all this.

What is Virtual Reality? and how it works?

Virtual Reality commences in a computer-generated simulation, where an entire 3D environment is rendered around the user. With the use of VR headsets, users can enter into these special stimulations and can interact and explore. The user controls the environment and gets the ability to look around and interact with the objects.

Virtual Reality is a hardware and software combo. For the visual aspects of VR, hardware is used, and software helps in creating the environment. To understand VR, consider gaming with a VR headset. The headset is connected with HDMI cables that send images from the box. This helps in playing games with friends.

The advantage of using a VR headset is that it is a head-mounted display that can block out the outside world and displays a 3D world.

When the user interacts or moves around a particular place, the motion controls embedded in the VR headset senses the movement and manage the scene as it pans across the screen.

Augmented Reality software and Virtual Reality Technology, both are the fast-growing technologies of today, both having impressive features and characteristics that have the immense potential to thrive. With increasing drive around VR games and AR navigation aids, consumers are ready to jump on these technologies.

However, some companies are still waiting to act, due to the volatile nature of the AR/VR market. Although utilizing outside talent and proper implementation of augmented and virtual reality technology, companies can target their base strength and deliver this mind-blowing experience of future technology.

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